mihoko09si 『ラブライブ!スクフェス』コラボユニットシングルPrintempsの新曲「WAO-WAO Powerful day!」のジャケット判明!可愛すぎる! https://t.co/yM3iQG3iKQ https://t.co/5AG0jgS1mU

mihoko09(2015/11/15 16:55:47)

kitkathrine RT @danisnotonfire: seeing the world come together in solidarity with paris is so powerful and really restores my faith in humanity #ViveLa…

Kat(2015/11/15 16:55:47)

Halseyxtaco RT @Halsey247: OUR RELATIONSHIP IS FUCKING POWERFUL [黒ハート] @halsey https://t.co/BbguWhxzrY

BADLANDS(2015/11/15 16:55:44)

stjepantop Microsoft Office Home & Student 2010 - 3PC/1User Microsoft Office 2010 gives you powerful new tools to express y https://t.co/p0kzxYc5Gs

Stjepan Topolnjak(2015/11/15 16:55:42)

lakshminitya RT @marwilliamson: The only thing powerful enough to counter hate gone viral is love gone viral.

lmb(2015/11/15 16:55:40)

b_abheek RT @BuzzFeedNews: An Indian Blogger’s Poem On Why We Shouldn’t Just Pray For Paris Has Gone Hugely Viral https://t.co/uMm6uJKjzV https://t.

Abheek Biswas(2015/11/15 16:55:39)

monaka0630 【スクフェス】Printemps新曲『WAO-WAO Powerful day!』が配信開始! https://t.co/1sfBn9TqLF 【RT希望】 #ラブライブ #lovelive #スクフェス https://t.co/6TJz7CccAi

もなか@イナカモノズのフィール(仮)(2015/11/15 16:55:39)

1i_ra RT @tetsu_kotori: 衣装ラブマジやん

ぷわぷわからのwao wao

sweet&sweet horidayからのpowerful day

相変わらずprintemps!って感じだね笑 https://t.co/tSLIMdw1C6

エンキョウ(2015/11/15 16:55:35)



『ラブライブ!スクフェス』コラボユニットシングルPrintempsの新曲「WAO-WAO Powerful day!」のジャケット判明!可愛すぎる! https://t.co/yM3iQG3iKQ https://t.co/5AG0jgS1mU


George Takei Releases Powerful Statement Against Racism After Paris Terror Attacks(GoogleNewsより)

Star Trek actor and activist George Takei warned against discriminatory impulses in the wake of last night's terror attacks in Paris, which took at least 127 lives

